Curriculum Vitae

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Name: Frans N. Stokman
Titles: Professor, Doctor

Institutional Address:
Department of Sociology
Grote Rozenstraat 31
The Netherlands
phone: +31.50.3636259
fax: +31.50.3636226


Honorary Chair of The 2018 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining ASONAM 2018' Barcelona (August 27-31, 2018)
Honorary Chair of The 2015 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining ASONAM 2015' Paris (August 26-29, 2015)
Keynote 'The Social Forces of the Energy Revolution' at SUNday 2012 Conference, Den Bosch, The Netherlands, November 7, 2012
Keynote 'Social network effects of the transition towards sustainable energy production. A proposal for a data mining research agenda' at The 2012 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 2012 ASONAM' Istanbul (August 26-29, 2012)
Keynote 'The Crucial Role of Cooperation and Competition in Social Networks for Science and Technology Indicators' at the ENID Science & Technology Conference, Rome (September 2011)
Keynote 'Experiences from the 'Networks of Corporate Power' Project and New Perspectives for Present Studies' at the International Workshop on 'Corporate Networks in Europe during the 20th Century' Utrecht (November 12-13, 2010)
Keynote 'The Use of Interest Networks For Strategic Intervention. Illustrated in the Domain of Sustainability' at the 7th Conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis (ASNA), organized by ETHZ and the University of Zurich (September 2010)
Keynote 'From Influence Networks To Interests Networks' at the ESF QMSS 2 Programme seminar "Power, Decision Making and Social Networks" at the UCD Geary Institute (August 2010)
Keynote 'Interest-Based Social Networks In Collective Decision Making' at UK Social Network Conference, Greenwich (July 2009)
Invited Participant and Speaker at Learning Journey to Greenland, Tallberg Foundation (May 2009)
Award by Sage Publications: Best 2007 article in European Union Politics journal (Schalk, Torenvlied, Weesie & Stokman)
Georg Simmel Award of the International Network of Social Network Analysis and keynote 'What Binds Us When With Whom? Content and Structure in Social Network Analysis' International Social Network Conference XXIV, Portoroz (May 2004)
Officer in the Order of Oranje-Nassau (decorated in 2002)
Member of the European Academy of Sociology


1960:Eindexamen Gymnasium B (Ignatius College, Amsterdam)
1965:Candidaatsexamen political and social sciences (University of Amsterdam)
1968:Doctoraalexamen political science (University of Amsterdam)
1977:Cum laude doctorate (PhD) in the social sciences (University of Amsterdam). Title dissertation: "Third World Group Formation in the United Nations. A Methodological Analysis"; promotores: Prof.dr. P.R. Baehr and Prof.dr. R.J. Mokken.


1966 - 1968 Kandidaat-assistent Institute for Political Science, section Research Methodology, University of Amsterdam.
1968 - 1972 Wetenschappelijk medewerker (assistent professor) Institute for Political science, section Research Methodology, University of Amsterdam.
1972 - 1976 Wetenschappelijk medewerker 1ste klasse, idem.
1976 - 1977 Wetenschappelijk hoofdmedewerker, idem.
1977 - 2006 Hoogleraar (full professor) methoden en technieken van het sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek (Social Science Research Methodoloy), Sociological Institute, University of Groningen.
2006 - present Honorary Professor Social Science Research Methodology, Sociology Department, University of Groningen
1987 - 1988 Dutch Visiting Professor at the Center for Political Research, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
1995 - 1995 Research Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Wassenaar, The Netherlands
2001 - 2002 Research Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Wassenaar, The Netherlands
2008 - present President Commissaris Bareau Group BV

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