Main publications: Collective Decision Making
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The first publication gives an overview of the theory development in the field of Policy Networks, leading to an integrated theory based on three fundamental processes of goal and interest alignment.
The second publication gives a complete overview of the models that our group has developed since the late 80's in the 20th Century. These models have been tested in scientific research and successfully applied in a wide variety of applied projects, aiming at strategical intervention in an early stage of decision making. Experienced negotiators have indicated time and time again that the information given has positively contributed to the results obtained.
The third publication relates issues to be decided upon with higher ordered goals. Different positioning in collective decision making results from differences in priorities for the higher ordered goals or from different cognitive perceptions about the effectiviness of instrumental goals for the realization of the higher ordered goals. The article gives a methodology to determine a good strategy for obtaining consensus about these cognitive differences.
Stokman, Frans 2017
Policy Networks: History. in Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Edited by Reda Alhajj, Jon Rokne, Springer Science+Business Media., DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7163-9_85-1
Stokman, Frans N., Van der Knoop, Jelle, Van Oosten, Reinier C.H. 2013
Modeling collective decision making. Pp. 151-182 in Handbook of Rational Choice Social Research, edited by V. Nee, T.A.B. Snijders and R. Wittek. Stanford CA: Stanford University Press
Septer, Timo J., Dijkstra, Jacob, Stokman, Frans N. 2012
Detecting and measuring crucial differences between cognitive maps. Rationality and Society 24, 383-407
Stokman, Frans N. 2009
The Two Faces of Lovelock. An Alternative Social and Political View. Internal Publication
Stokman, Frans N. 2009
Climate Change and Peak Oil: An Analysis of (False) Beliefs Re Two 21st Century World Challenges. In: Cherkaoui, M. and Hamilton, P. (eds), Raymond Boudon: A Life in Sociology. Essays in Honour of Raymond Boudon. Volume Four. Part Four. Actions, Institutions and Political Repertoires. Oxford, Barwell Press, 123-144
Dijkstra, J., Van Assen, M.A.L.M., Stokman, F.N. 2008
Outcomes of collective decisions with externalities predicted. Journal of Theortical Politics 20, 414-441
Schalk, J., Torenvlied, R., Weesie, J. and Stokman, F.N. 2007
The power of the presidency in EU Council decision-making. European Union Politics, 8, No 2, 229-250
Arregui, Javier, Frans Stokman and Robert Thomson 2006
Chapter 5. Exchange and Compromise in the European Union. In: Robert Thomson, Frans.N. Stokman, Christopher Achen, and T. Koenig (eds.) The European Union Decides, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (in press)
Stokman, Frans N. 2005
Corporatisme en lobbyisme gezien vanuit fundamentele processen van collectieve besluitvorming, Beleid en Maatschappij 32 , 211-220 [Addendum]
Stokman, Frans N. und Manuela Vieth 2004
Was verbindet uns wann mit wem? Inhalt und Struktur in der Analyse sozialer Netzwerke, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie. Sonderheft 44 , 274-302
Stokman, Frans N. 2004
What Binds Us When With Whom? Content and Structure in Social Network Analysis. Extended version of keynote at the SUNBELT XXIV International Social Network Conference, Portoro˛ (Slovenia), May 13, 2004 [Abstract]
Stokman, Frans N. 2004
Frame dependent modeling of influence processes. In: Andreas Diekmann and Thomas Voss (eds) Rational-Choice-Theorie in den Sozialwissenschaften. Anwendungen und Probleme. München: Oldenbourg Verlag, 113-127
Thomson, R. J. Boerefijn and F.N. Stokman 2004
Actor alignments in European Union decision making. European Journal of Political Research 43, 237-261
Frans Stokman and Robert Thomson 2004
Winners and Losers in the European Union. European Union Politics 5, 5-23
Arregui, Javier, Frans Stokman and Robert Thomson 2004
Bargaining in the European Union and Shifts in Actors’ Policy Positions. European Union Politics 5, 47-72
Assen, M.A.L.M. van, F.N. Stokman and R. van Oosten 2003
Conflict Measures in Cooperative Exchange Models of Collective Decision Making, Rationality and Society 15, 85-112
Mokken, Robert J., Diane Payne, Frans N. Stokman, and Frans W. Wasseur 2000
Decision context and policy effectuation: EU structural reform in Ireland, Irish Political Studies 15: 39-61
Stokman, Frans N., Marcel A.L.M. van Assen, Jelle van der Knoop, and Reinier C.H. van Oosten 2000
Strategic Decision Making, Advances in Group Processes 17: 131-153
Stokman, F.N. and J. Berveling 1998
Dynamic modeling of policy networks in Amsterdam, Journal of Theoretical Politics 10(4): 577-601. [Abstract]
Stokman, Frans N., and Evelien P.H. Zeggelink, 1996
Is Politics Power or Policy Driven? A Comparative Analysis of Dynamic Access Models in Policy Networks, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 21, 77-111 (also published in: Patrick Doreian and Frans N. Stokman (eds), Evolution of Social Networks. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Publishers, 93-127). [Abstract]
Stokman, Frans N., and Reinier Van Oosten, 1994
The Exchange of Voting Positions: An Object-Oriented Model of Policy Networks, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Frans N. Stokman (eds), European Community Decision Making: Models, Applications, and Comparisons, New Haven: Yale University Press, 105-127
Stokman, Frans N., and Jan M.M. Van den Bos, 1992
A Two-Stage Model of Policy Analysis. With An Empirical Test in The U.S. Energy Policy Domain, Gwen Moore and J. Allen Whitt (eds), The Political Consequences of Social Networks. Research in Politics and Society. Vol 4, Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 219-253. [Abstract]
Mokken, R.J. and F.N. Stokman, 1976
Power and Influence as Political Phenomena, Brian Barry (ed.), Power and Political Theory: Some European Perspectives, London: Wiley, 33-54