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Frans Stokman, Lars Padmos, 2022
Het Regeerakkoord van Rutte IV en confrontatie van het akkoord met de voorspellingen van akkoorden van vier mogelijke coalities op 16 maart 2021 Technical Report

Jacob Dijkstra, Marcel Van Assen, Frans Stokman, Jelmer Draaijer, 2018
Random Variation of Exchange Rates in the Equal Utility Exchange Model.Firste draft Technical Report

Frans Stokman, Paul Lucardie, Jelle van der Knoop, Jelmer Draaijer, 2017
Het Regeerakkoord van Rutte III. Confrontatie van het regeerakkoord met de voorspellingen van akkoorden van drie mogelijke coalities in 2017. Technical Report

Stokman, Frans 2017
Policy Networks: History. in Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Edited by Reda Alhajj, Jon Rokne, Springer Science+Business Media., DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7163-9_85-1

Frans Stokman, Paul Lucardie, Jelle van der Knoop, Jelmer Draaijer, 2017
Voorspelling van akkoorden van drie mogelijke coalities in 2017. Technical Report

Detlef F. Sprinz, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Steffen Kallbekken, Frans Stokman, H?kon S?len and Robert Thomson 2016
Predicting Paris: Multi-Method Approaches to Forecast the Outcomes of Global Climate Negotiations Politics and Governance 3, (ISSN: 2183-2463), 172-187

Stokman, Frans, Thomson, Robert 2015
Forecasting the Paris 2015 UNFCCC Negotiations. The Exchange Model's Analysis of Developments and Potential Obstacles to Reaching an Agreement Pp. 1-36 in Technical Report DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4523.8483

Stokman, Frans 2015
Policy Oriented Exchange Networks: Was a Copenhagen Climate Treaty Possible? Scientific Analysis Providing New Insights for Agreement and a Better Treaty for the Planet Pp. 770-778 in ASONAM '15 Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 2015 Paris, France ? August 25 - 28, 2015, Edited by Edited by Jian Pei, Fabrizio Silvestri, Jie Tang. ACM New York, NY, USA ?2015., ISBN: ISBN 978-1-4503-3854-7

Stokman, Frans 2014
Preface. Pp. XV-XVII in The Power of Corporate Networks, Edited by Thomas David, Gerarda Westerhuis, Routledge., ISBN: 978-0-415-72974-1

Stokman, Frans 2014
Policy Networks: History. Pp. 1291-1301 in Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Edited by Reda Alhajj, Jon Rokne, Springer Science+Business Media., ISBN: 978-1-4614-6171-5

Ingold, Karin, Varone, Frederic, Stokman, Frans 2013
A social network-based approach to assess de facto independence of regulatory agencies. Journal of European Public Policy, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2013.804280, 1-18, Online version:

Stokman, Frans N., Van der Knoop, Jelle, Van Oosten, Reinier C.H. 2013
Modeling collective decision making. Pp. 151-182 in Handbook of Rational Choice Social Research, edited by V. Nee, T.A.B. Snijders and R. Wittek. Stanford CA: Stanford University Press

Frieling, Margreet A., Lindenberg, Siegwart M., Stokman, Frans N. 2012
Collaborative Communities through coproduction: Two case studies. The American Review of Public Administration. Online version, 1-24

Septer, Timo J., Dijkstra, Jacob, Stokman, Frans N. 2012
Detecting and measuring crucial differences between cognitive maps. Rationality and Society 24, 383-407

Hollaender, Kirsten, Stokman, Frans 2012
Dynamic decision analysis for monitoring and facilitating the Dutch Costa Due stakeholder dialogue on sustainable energy. In: Sedlacko, M., Martinuzzi, A. (eds), Governance by Evaluation for Sustainable Development. Institutional Capacities and Learning. Cheltenham, UK: Edgard Elgar, 151-172

Van der Iest, H., Dijkstra, J., Stokman, F.N. 2011
Not 'Just the two of us': Third party externalities of social dilemmas. Rationality and Society 23, 347-370

Stokman, Frans N. 2009
Is a Copenhagen Climate Treaty Still Possible? Scientific Analysis Provides New Insights for Agreement and a Better Treaty for the Planet. English version / Dutch version

Stokman, Frans N. 2009
The Two Faces of Lovelock. An Alternative Social and Political View. Internal Publication

Stokman, Frans N. 2009
Climate Change and Peak Oil: An Analysis of (False) Beliefs Re Two 21st Century World Challenges. In: Cherkaoui, M. and Hamilton, P. (eds), Raymond Boudon: A Life in Sociology. Essays in Honour of Raymond Boudon. Volume Four. Part Four. Actions, Institutions and Political Repertoires. Oxford, Barwell Press, 123-144

Dijkstra, J., Van Assen, M.A.L.M., Stokman, F.N. 2008
Outcomes of collective decisions with externalities predicted. Journal of Theortical Politics 20, 414-441

Septer, T., Stokman, F.N., and Van der Iest, H. 2008.
Geven en Nemen in Coalitiebesprekingen. (Eng. Transl.: Giving and Taking in Coalition Negotiations) DNPP Jaarboek 2007, 72-101

Schalk, J., Torenvlied, R., Weesie, J. and Stokman, F.N. 2007
The power of the presidency in EU Council decision-making. European Union Politics, 8, No 2, 229-250 (Award by Sage Publications: Best 2007 article in European Union Politics journal)

Koster, F., Stokman, F.N., Hodson, R. and Sanders K. 2007
Solidarity through networks. The effects of task and informal interdependence on cooperation within teams, Employee Relations, 29, No 2, 117-137

Thomson, Robert and Frans. N. Stokman 2006
Chapter 2. Research Design: measuring actors' positions, saliences and capabilities. In: Robert Thomson, Frans.N. Stokman, Christopher Achen, and T. Koenig (eds.) The European Union Decides, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 25-53

Arregui, Javier, Frans Stokman and Robert Thomson 2006
Chapter 5. Compromise, exchange and challenge in the European Union. In: Robert Thomson, Frans.N. Stokman, Christopher Achen, and T. Koenig (eds.) The European Union Decides, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 124-152

Stokman, Frans N. 2005
Corporatisme en lobbyisme gezien vanuit fundamentele processen van collectieve besluitvorming, Beleid en Maatschappij 32 , 211-220 [Addendum]

Stokman, Frans N. und Manuela Vieth 2004
Was verbindet uns wann mit wem? Inhalt und Struktur in der Analyse sozialer Netzwerke, K?lner Zeitschrift f?r Soziologie. Sonderheft 44 , 274-302

Stokman, Frans N. 2004
What Binds Us When With Whom? Content and Structure in Social Network Analysis. Extended version of keynote at the SUNBELT XXIV International Social Network Conference, Portoro? (Slovenia), May 13, 2004 [Abstract]

Stokman, Frans N. 2004
Frame dependent modeling of influence processes. In: Andreas Diekmann and Thomas Voss (eds) Rational-Choice-Theorie in den Sozialwissenschaften. Anwendungen und Probleme. M?nchen: Oldenbourg Verlag, 113-127

Thomson, R. J. Boerefijn and F.N. Stokman 2004
Actor alignments in European Union decision making. European Journal of Political Research 43, 237-261

Frans Stokman and Robert Thomson 2004
Winners and Losers in the European Union. European Union Politics 5, 5-23

Arregui, Javier, Frans Stokman and Robert Thomson 2004
Bargaining in the European Union and Shifts in Actors? Policy Positions. European Union Politics 5, 47-72

Patrick Doreian and Frans Stokman 2003
Introduction to Special issue on Evolution of Social Networks. Part III, Journal of Mathematical Sociology 27: 85-87

Van Duijn, M.A.J., M. Huisman, F.N. Stokman, F.W. Wasseur, E.P.H. Zeggelink 2003
Evolution of sociology freshmen into a friendship network, Journal of Mathematical Sociology 27, 153-191

Thomson, Robert, Frans Stokman and Rene Torenvlied 2003
Models of collective decision-making: introduction, Rationality and Society 15, 5-14

Assen, M.A.L.M. van, F.N. Stokman and R. van Oosten 2003
Conflict Measures in Cooperative Exchange Models of Collective Decision Making, Rationality and Society 15, 85-112

Stokman, Frans N. 2001
Networks: Social, International Encyclopedia for the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 10509-10514

Stokman, Frans N. 2001
Book review of David Willer (ed.), Network Exchange Theory. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999 in: Contemporary Sociology 30, 4: 417-418

Stokman, Frans N. and Patrick Doreian 2001
Introduction to Special issue on Evolution of Social Networks. Part II, Journal of Mathematical Sociology 25: 1-4

Mokken, Robert J., Diane Payne, Frans N. Stokman, and Frans W. Wasseur 2000
Decision context and policy effectuation: EU structural reform in Ireland, Irish Political Studies 15: 39-61

Payne, Diane, Robert J. Mokken, and Frans N. Stokman 2000
European Union power and regional involvement. A case study of the political implications of the reform of the Structural Funds for Ireland. Pp 103-133 in Peter Moser, Gerald Schneider and Gebhard Kirchgassner (eds.), Decision Rules in the European Union: A Rational Choice Perspective. London: Macmillan Press

Stokman, Frans N., Marcel A.L.M. van Assen, Jelle van der Knoop, and Reinier C.H. van Oosten 2000
Strategic Decision Making, Advances in Group Processes 17: 131-153

Frans Stokman 1999
Strategische Besluitvorming, Kees Vos en V?ronique Timmerhuis (red.), Gedragswetenschappen in context. Essays over beleidsrelevante en wetenschappelijke uitdagingen. Achtergrondstudie van de Adviesraad voor het Wetenschaps- en Technologiebeleid. Den Haag: Sdu Uitgevers, 189-206

Stokman, F.N., Paula Holtrop-Laning, Reinier van Oosten, 1999
Publicerende sociologen: de top-50 in de periode 1995-1997. Mens en Maatschappij 74: pp. 180-192. [Abstract]

Stokman, F.N. 1999
'Review of Batten, D., Casti, J., Thord, R. (eds) 'Networks in Action. Communication, Economics and Human Knowledge' Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag 1995. British Journal of Industrial Relations xx: pp.

Karin Sanders, Tom Snijders, and Frans N. Stokman, 1998
Editorial: The Effects and Outcomes of Informal relations Within Organizations, Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory, 4 (nr.2), 103-108

Frans N. Stokman 1998
Boekbespreking van E.H. Klijn, Regels en sturing in netwerken. De invloed van netwerkregels op de herstructurering van naoorloogse wijken, Delft: Eburon, 1996 Mens en Maatschappij 73 (nr 4), 387-389

Knoop, Jelle van der, en Frans Stokman 1998
Onderhandelingen voorspellen met computersimulatie: Anticiperen op basis van scenario's, Gids voor Personeelsmanagement 17(nr.10): 12-15

Stokman, F.N. and R.Thomson 1998
The predictability of foreign policies: The British EMU policy, M. Castermans, F. van Hoof en J. Smith (Eds) The Role of the Nation-State in the 21st Century.Human Rights, International Organizations and Foreign Policy. Kluwer Law International, 453-465

Mokken, Robert J., Diane Payne, Frans N. Stokman, and Frans W. Wasseur 1998
Pr?ferenzaggregation und Effectivmacht. Die Reform des EG-Strukturfonds f?r Irland, Thomas K?nig, Elmar Rieger, und Hermann Schmitt (Hg.), Europa der B?rger- Voraussetzungen, Alternativen, Konsequenzen. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 344-362

Stokman, F.N. and J. Berveling 1998
Dynamic modeling of policy networks in Amsterdam, Journal of Theoretical Politics 10(4): 577-601. [Abstract]

Stokman, F.N. and J. Berveling 1998
Predicting outcomes of decision-making. Five competing models of policy-making, Meindert Fennema, Cees van der Eijk, and Huibert Schijf (eds), In search of structure. Essays in social science and methodology. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 147-171

Payne, Diane, Robert Mokken, and Frans Stokman 1997
European Union power and regional involvement: A case study of the political implications of the reform of the structural funds for Ireland, Aussenwirtschaft (52), pp 119-149. [Abstract]

Stokman, F.N., Paula Holtrop-Laning, Collin E. Hoogeveen, 1997.
'Publicerende sociologen: de top-50 in de periode 1994-1996'. Mens en Maatschappij 72: pp. 374-386. [Abstract]

Doreian, Patrick and Frans N. Stokman, 1997
The dynamics and evolution of social networks, Patrick Doreian and Frans N. Stokman (eds), Evolution of Social Networks. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Publishers, 1-17

Stokman, Frans N. and Patrick Doreian, 1997
Evolution of social networks: Processes and principles, Patrick Doreian and Frans N. Stokman (eds), Evolution of Social Networks. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Publishers, 233-250

Snijders, Tom A.B., Evelien P.H. Zeggelink, and Frans N. Stokman 1997.
Parameters in collective decision making models: estimation and sensitivity. Math?matiques, Informatique et Sciences Humaines, 35, 81-100.

Stokman, Frans N., Collin E. Hoogeveen en Claire H. Rellum, 1996
Publicerende sociologen: de top-50 in de periode 1993-1995, Mens en Maatschappij, 71, 343-354. [Abstract]

Zeggelink, Evelien P.H., Reinier Van Oosten, and Frans N. Stokman, 1996
Object Oriented Modeling of Social Networks, Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory, 2, 115-138. [Abstract]

Stokman, Frans N., and Evelien P.H. Zeggelink, 1996
'Self-organizing Friendship Networks, Wim B.G. Liebrand and David M. Messick (eds), Frontiers in Social Dilemmas Research, Berlin: Springer, 385-418. [Abstract]

Doreian, Patrick, and Frans N. Stokman, 1996
Introduction, Journal of Mathematical Sociology (Special double issue on Evolution of Social Networks), 21, 1-2

Stokman, Frans N., and Evelien P.H. Zeggelink, 1996
Is Politics Power or Policy Driven? A Comparative Analysis of Dynamic Access Models in Policy Networks, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 21, 77-111 (also published in: Patrick Doreian and Frans N. Stokman (eds), Evolution of Social Networks. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Publishers, 93-127). [Abstract]

Zeggelink, Evelien P.H., Frans N. Stokman, and Gerhard G. Van der Bunt, 1996
The Emergence of Groups in the Evolution of Friendship Networks, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 21, 29-55 (also published in: Patrick Doreian and Frans N. Stokman (eds), Evolution of Social Networks. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Publishers, 45-71). [Abstract]

Stokman, Frans N., and Patrick Doreian, 1996
Concluding remarks, Journal of Mathematical Sociology (Special double issue on Evolution of Social Networks), 21, 197-199

Snijders, Tom, Frans Stokman en Evelien Zeggelink, 1996
Parameterschatting in actor-geori?nteerde besluitvormingsmodellen, Harry Ganzeboom en Siegwart Lindenberg (red), Verklarende Sociologie. Opstellen voor Reinhard Wippler, Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, 129-143

Hacquebord, Louwrens, Frans N. Stokman, and Frans W. Wasseur, 1996
The Directors of the Chambers of the 'Noordse Compagnie', 1614-1642, and their Networks in the Company, C. Lesger and L. Noordegraaf (eds), Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship in Early Modern Times. Merchants and Industrialists within the Orbit of the Dutch Staple Market, Haarlem: Stichting Hollandse Historische Reeks, 245-251

Laan, G. van der, P.H.M. Ruys en F.N. Stokman, 1995
Water is goud waard, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 80 (nr 4036, 6 december 1995), 1092-1097

Stokman, Frans N., 1995
Modeling Conflict and Exchange in Collective Decision Making, Bulletin de M?thodologie Sociologique, No 49 (December 1995), 7-22. [Abstract]

Stokman, Frans N., and Jasper V. Stokman, 1995
Strategic Control and Interests. Its Effects on Decision Outcomes, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 20 (4), 289-317

Stokman, Frans N. en Claire H. Rellum, 1995
Publicerende sociologen: de top-50 in de periode 1992-1994, Mens en Maatschappij, 70 (Nr 4), 334-344. [Abstract]

Ruys, P.H.M., G. van der Laan, W.B.G. Liebrand, J.P. Kahan en F.N. Stokman, 1995
Watervoorziening in Nederland: co?peratie en competitie. Rapport uitgebracht voor het VWN-symposium Klant & Bedrijf op 1 juni 1995 in opdracht van de N.V. Tilburgsche Waterleiding-Maatschappij, Tilburg: Tilburgs Instituut voor Academische Studies. Pp 24

Stokman, Frans N., 1995
Entscheidungsans?tze in politischen Netzwerken, Dorothea Jansen and Klaus Schubert (Hrsg), Netzwerke und Politikproduktion. Konzepte, Methoden, Perspektiven, Marburg: Sch?ren, 160-184 (ISBN 3-89472-098-0)

Stokman, Frans N., and Reinier Van Oosten, 1994
The Exchange of Voting Positions: An Object-Oriented Model of Policy Networks, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Frans N. Stokman (eds), European Community Decision Making: Models, Applications, and Comparisons, New Haven: Yale University Press, 105-127

Stokman, Frans N., and Jan M.M. Van den Bos, 1994
The Exchange of Voting Positions in the EC Council, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Frans N. Stokman (eds), European Community Decision Making: Models, Applications, and Comparisons, New Haven: Yale University Press, 161-184

Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce, and Frans N. Stokman, 1994
Models of Exchange and of Expected Utility Maximization: A Comparison of Accuracy, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Frans N. Stokman (eds), European Community Decision Making: Models, Applications, and Comparisons, New Haven: Yale University Press, 214-228

Stokman, F.N., and F.W. Wasseur, 1994
National Networks in 1976: A Structural Comparison (Japanese translation), F.N. Stokman, R. Ziegler, and J. Scott (eds), Kigyo Kenryoku no netuwaku, Tokyo: Bunshindo, 24-49

Stokman, F.N., F.W. Wasseur, and D. Elsas, 1994
The Dutch Network: Types of Interlocks and Network Structure (Japanese translation), F.N. Stokman, R. Ziegler, and J. Scott (eds), Kigyo Kenryoku no netuwaku, Tokyo: Bunshindo, 121-142

Stokman, F.N., 1994
Besluitvormingsmodellen binnen beleidsnetwerken (Policy models in policy networks -in Dutch- ), L.W.J.C. Huberts en J. Kleinnijenhuis (eds), Methoden van invloedsanalyse, Amsterdam Meppel: Boom, 165-187

Stokman, Frans N., E. Rudie Missoorten en Arjo F. Stokman, 1994
Publicerende sociologen: de top-50 in de periode 1991-1993 (Publishing sociologists: the top-50 in the period 1991-1993 -in Dutch with English summary- ), Mens en Maatschappij, 69, 420-436. [Abstract]

Stokman, Frans N., 1994
Boekbespreking van W. Jansen en G.L.H. van den Wittenboer (red.), Sociale netwerken en hun invloed (book review -in Dutch), Mens en Maatschappij, 69, 471-474

Stokman, Frans N., E. Rudie Missoorten en Arjo F. Stokman, 1993
Publicerende sociologen: de top-50 in de periode 1988-1990 (Publishing sociologists: the top-50 in the period 1991-1993 -in Dutch with English summary- ), Mens en Maatschappij, 68, 271-281. [Abstract]

Stokman, Frans N., 1992
Een integrale visie op macht (An Integrated Appoach to Power), H. van Goor (red), Empirische Sociologie als Opdracht. Bundel aangeboden aan Prof.dr. J.E. Ellemers ter gelegenheid van zijn vijfentwintigjarig jubileum als hoogleraar Empirische Sociologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen, Groningen: MB-Boek, 85-99

Stokman, Frans N., and Jan M.M. Van den Bos, 1992
A Two-Stage Model of Policy Analysis. With An Empirical Test in The U.S. Energy Policy Domain, Gwen Moore and J. Allen Whitt (eds), The Political Consequences of Social Networks. Research in Politics and Society. Vol 4, Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 219-253. [Abstract]

James P., 1992
Knowledge Graphs, R.P. Van de Riet and R.A. Meersman (eds), Linguistic Instruments in Knowledge Engineering, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publ., 97-117

Poppen, Rita and Frans Stokman, 1992
Heeft het wegen van wetenschappelijke publikaties zin- (Is it useful to weigh scientific publications - in Dutch with English summary), Mens en Maatschappij, 67, 140-155. [Abstract]

Popping, R. and F.N. Stokman, 1991
De computer binnen de sociale wetenschappen. Een overzicht (The Computer in the Social Sciences - in Dutch with English summary), R.Popping and J.L. Peschar (red), Goed geinformeerd. Recente ontwikkelingen en toepassingen van informatietechnologie in de sociale wetenschappen, Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, 17-36

Stokman, F.N., J. van der Knoop and F.W. Wasseur, 1990
Interlocks in the Netherlands: Stability and Careers in the Period 1960-1980, John Scott (ed), The Sociology of Elites. Volume III: Interlocking Directorships and Corporate Networks, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 332-358 (Reprint of Social Networks article). [Abstract]

Sprenger, C.J.A., F.N. Stokman and F.J.A.M. van Veen, 1989
GRADAP User's Manual. Chapters 1-10, Sprenger, C.J.A. en F.N. Stokman (eds), GRADAP User's Manual. 2nd Revised Edition, Groningen: IEC-ProGAMMA, 1-256

Stokman, F.N., R. Popping and E.R. Missoorten, 1989
Een relationele database voor wetenschappelijke produktie (A relational database for scientific production - in Dutch), Tijdschrift voor Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs, 35, 231-245

Loon, P.J.J.M. van, F.N. Stokman, C.v.d.Hucht, and P. Moorer, 1988
Sterkte/zwakte analyse sociologie, politicologie en bestuurskunde (Output Analysis of Dutch Research Groups in Sociology, Political Science, and Public Administration -in Dutch-), Acta Politica, 23, 21-60

Loon, P.J.J.M. van, and F.N. Stokman, 1988
Reactie op Daalder, Huzen en K?bben (Discussion -in Dutch-), Acta Politica, 23, 122-134

Stokman, Frans N., Jelle van der Knoop, and Frans W. Wasseur, 1988
Interlocks in the Netherlands: Stability and Careers in the Period 1960-1980, Social Networks, 10, 183-208

Stokman, Frans N., 1988
Relational Databases, Network Analysis, and the Representation of Social Systems, Connections, 11,

Stokman, Frans N., and Pieter H. de Vries, 1988
Structuring Knowledge in a Graph, Gerrit C. van der Veer and Gijbertus Mulder (eds), Human-Computer Interaction: Psychonomic Aspects, Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag, 186-206

Tom A.B. Snijders and Frans N. Stokman, 1987
Extensions of Triad Counts to Networks with Different Subsets of Points and Testing Underlying Random Graph Distributions, Social Networks, 9, 249-276

Stokman, F.N. 1987
Start van het Interuniversitair Expertise Centrum GAMMA op 1 september 1987 (Start of the Interuniversity Software Expert Center GAMMA on September 1, 1987 -in Dutch-), P. Debets e.a. (eds), Bundel Symposium Statistische Software 1987, Groningen: Rekencentrum RUG, 285-291. [Abstract]

Stokman, F.N., 1986
Recrutering van de kern van de economische elite: De netwerkspecialist binnen het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven (Recruitment of the core of the economic elite: The network specialist in the Dutch corporate system -in Dutch-), Th. Mensen and W. Meijnen (eds.), Sociale stratificatie en onderwijs, Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 11-21

Mokken, R.J. and F.N. Stokman, 1985
Legislative Analysis: Methodology for the Analysis of Groups and Coalitions, H.A.M. Wilke (ed), Coalition Formation, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 173-227,285

Stokman, F.N. e.a., 1985
Eindrapport van de Adviescommissie Programmatuurbeleid ten behoeve van de Gedrags- en Maatschappijwetenschappen (Final report of the advisory Committee on software policy for the social sciences in the Netherlands -in Dutch-), Den Haag: Staatsdrukkerij 57 pp

Stokman, F.N. and F.J. van Veen, 1985
Programmatuurontwikkeling binnen de gedrags- en maatschappij wetenschappen: een internationale verkenning (Development of software in the social sciences: an international inventory -in Dutch-), Bundel Symposium Statistische Software 25 October 1985, Amsterdam: Technisch Centrum UvA, 241-261. [Abstract]

Stokman, F.N. and F.W. Wasseur, 1985
National Networks in 1976: A Structural Comparison, F.N. Stokman, R. Ziegler, and J. Scott (eds), Networks of Corporate Power. A Comparative Analysis of Ten Countries, Oxford: Polity Press, 20-44

Stokman, F.N., F.W. Wasseur, and D. Elsas, 1985
The Dutch Network: Types of Interlocks and Network Structure, F.N. Stokman, R. Ziegler, and J. Scott (eds), Networks of Corporate Power. A Comparative Analysis of Ten Countries, Oxford: Polity Press: 112-130

Knoop, J. van der, F.N. Stokman, and F.W. Wasseur, 1984
Theoretische herinterpretatie van dubbelfuncties tussen grote bedrijven (Theoretical reinterpretation of interlocking directorates between large corporations -in Dutch-), J. Dronkers and F.N. Stokman (eds.), Nederlandse elites in beeld. Rekrutering, samenhang en verandering, Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus, 27-47

Lindenberg, S. and F.N. Stokman, 1983
Inleiding (Introduction -in Dutch-), S. Lindenberg and F.N. Stokman (eds.), Modellen in de Sociologie, Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus, 9-11

Stokman, F.N., 1983
Het meten en analyseren met modellen in sociologisch onderzoek (Measuring and analyzing with models in sociological research -in Dutch-), S. Lindenberg and F.N. Stokman (eds.), Modellen in de Sociologie, Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus, 177-194

Stokman, F.N., 1983
Graph Definition and Analysis Package (GRADAP), Connections, 5, no 1, 57-60

Stokman, F.N., 1983
20 jaar statistisch rekenen (20 Years of statistical computing -in Dutch-), Bundel Symposium Statistische Software, Utrecht: Rijksuniv Utrecht, 9-23

Sprenger, C.J.A. and F.N. Stokman 1982
Applied Graph Analysis in the Social Sciences: The Software Project GRADAP (invited paper), H. Caussinus, P. Ettinger, and R. Tomassone (eds.), COMPSTAT 1982. Proceedings in Computational Statistics, Wien: Physica-Verlag, 113-120

Stokman, F.N., 1982
Netwerkanalyse (Network analysis -in Dutch-), P.G. Swanborn and L. Rademaker (eds.), Sociologische grondbegrippen, 2: Methoden en Technieken, Utrecht: Spectrum, 168-184

Stokman, F.N., 1981
Sociologische verklaringen (Sociological explanations -in Dutch-), A.Th. Eggen, C. van der Eijk, and B. Niem?ller (eds.), Kiezen in Nederland. 26 mei 1981: wat de kiezers deden en waarom, Zoetermeer: Actaboek 79-88

Stokman, F.N. and W. Van Schuur, 1980
Basic Scaling, Quality and Quantity, 14, 5-30

Stokman, F.N. and W.H. Van Schuur, 1980
Leadership Dimensions Among Developing Nations in the United Nations, Jerome M. Clubb and Erwin K. Scheuch (eds), Historical Social Research. The Use of Historical and Process-Produced Data, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 319-341

Stokman, F.N., 1980
Graph Theoretical Elaboration of Cumulative Scaling Techniques, Jerome M. Clubb and Erwin K. Scheuch (eds.), Historical Social Research. The Use of Historical and Process-Produced Data, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 342-352 Republished in: Quality and Quantity, 14, 277-288. [Abstract]

Stokman, F.N., 1980
Bespreking van J.W. Letterie, Over machtsonderzoek (oratie)(Book review of J.W. Letterie, On Power Research -in Dutch-), Acta Politica, 15, 554-556

Niem?ller, B., W.H. van Schuur, and F.N. Stokman, 1980
Stochastic Cumulative Scaling, Stap User's Manual. Volume 4, Amsterdam: Univ. of Amsterdam, 1-40

Stokman, F.N., e.a., 1980
A Discussion on Stochastic Unfolding, Methoden en Data Nieuwsbrief, 5, no. 2, 158-175

Schuur, W.H. van and F.N. Stokman, 1979
A One-Dimensional Unfolding Model With An Application to Party Preferences in The Netherlands, Methoden en Data Nieuwsbrief, 4, no. 2, 3-29

Mokken, R.J. and F.N. Stokman, 1979
Corporate-Governmental Networks in The Netherlands, Social Networks, 1, 333-358. [Abstract]

Stokman, F.N., 1979
Book review of Peter Willetts, The Non-Aligned Movement. The Origins of a Third World Alliance, Quantitative Sociological Newsletter, no. 22, 92-94

Mokken, R.J. and F.N. Stokman, 1978
The 1972 Intercorporate Network in The Netherlands, Hans J. Hummell (ed.), Mathematische Ans?tze zur Analyse sozialer Macht. Sozialwissenschaftlichen Schriften 14, Duisburg: Verlag der Sozialwissenschaftlichen Kooperative, 221-247

Mokken, R.J. and F.N. Stokman, 1978
Corporate-Governmental Networks in The Netherlands, Hans J. Hummell (ed.), Mathematische Ans?tze zur Analyse sozialer Macht. Sozialwissenschaftlichen Schriften 14, Duisburg: Verlag der Sozialwissenschaftlichen Kooperative, 249-280

Mokken, R.J. and F.N. Stokman, 1976
Power and Influence as Political Phenomena, Brian Barry (ed.), Power and Political Theory: Some European Perspectives, London: Wiley, 33-54

Stokman, F.N., 1976
Boekbespreking G.P.A. Braam, Invloed van bedrijven op de overheid. Een empirische studie over de verdeling van maatschappelijke invloed (Book review of G.P.A. Braam, Influence of corporations on government -in Dutch-), Acta Politica, 11, 269-272

Eijk, C. van der and F.N. Stokman, 1973
De Amsterdamse co-assistent: zijn opvattingen over de arts-patient relatie (The Amsterdam doctor in training: his opinions on the doctor-patient relations -in Dutch-), Huisarts en Wetenschap, 16, 11-18

Stokman, F.N., 1973
Graven naar macht. Dubbelfunkties tussen grote Nederlandse bedrijven en instellingen in 1969 (Traces of Power. Interlocking directorates between large Dutch corporations and institutions in 1969 -in Dutch-), Acta Politica, 8, 257-291

Mokken, R.J. and F.N. Stokman, 1972
Strijdpunten en electorale tegenstellingen (woningnood en milieuvervuiling) (Issues and electoral cleavages -in Dutch-), Acta Politica, 7, 78-98

Eijk, C. van der and F.N. Stokman, 1972
De Amsterdamse co-assistent: zijn opvattingen over de opleiding tot huisarts (The Amsterdam doctor in training: his opinions on the training for family doctor -in Dutch-), Huisarts en Wetenschap, 15, 451-460

Hoog, R. de, R.J. Mokken, F.M. Roschar, and F.N. Stokman, 1971
Nationaal Verkiezingsonderzoek (National election studies -in Dutch-), Acta Politica, 6, 29-44

Staden, A. van and F.N. Stokman 1970
Niet-gebonden landen en Oost-West tegenstellingen. Een poging tot positiebepaling (Non-aligned nations and the East-West conflict -in Dutch-), Acta Politica, 5, 133-164

Staden, A. van and F.N. Stokman, 1970
Voorbeschouwing. Varianten van niet-gebondenheid (Introduction to variations of Non-alignment -in Dutch-), Internationale Spectator, 24, 338-348

Stokman, F.N. and C.P. van den Tempel, 1970
India (India -in Dutch-), Internationale Spectator, 24, 349-360

Staden, A. van and F.N. Stokman, 1970
Nabeschouwing (Reflections -in Dutch-), Internationale Spectator, 24, 408-411

Eijk, C. van der and F.N. Stokman, 1970
Het stemgedrag van Nederland in de Verenigde Naties (Voting behavior of the Netherlands in the UN -in Dutch-), Cahiers voor Vredesvraagstukken, 8, 18-22

Eijk, C. van der and F.N. Stokman, 1970
De waarde van de openbare mening bij de bepaling van het buitenlandse beleid. Reactie (The contribution of public opinion to the determination of foreign policy -in Dutch-), Internationale Spectator, 24, 1599-1612
