Main publications: Social network analysis
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Stokman, Frans 2017
Policy Networks: History. in Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Edited by Reda Alhajj, Jon Rokne, Springer Science+Business Media., DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7163-9_85-1
Ingold, Karin, Varone, Frederic, Stokman, Frans 2013
A social network-based approach to assess de facto independence of regulatory agencies. Journal of European Public Policy, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2013.804280, 1-18, Online version:
Dijkstra, J., Van Assen, M.A.L.M., Stokman, F.N. 2008
Outcomes of collective decisions with externalities predicted. Journal of Theortical Politics 20, 414-441
Stokman, Frans N. und Manuela Vieth 2004
Was verbindet uns wann mit wem? Inhalt und Struktur in der Analyse sozialer Netzwerke, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie. Sonderheft 44 , 274-302
Stokman, Frans N. 2004
What Binds Us When With Whom? Content and Structure in Social Network Analysis. Extended version of keynote at the SUNBELT XXIV International Social Network Conference, Portoro˛ (Slovenia), May 13, 2004 [Abstract]
Stokman, Frans N. 2004
Frame dependent modeling of influence processes. In: Andreas Diekmann and Thomas Voss (eds) Rational-Choice-Theorie in den Sozialwissenschaften. Anwendungen und Probleme. München: Oldenbourg Verlag, 113-127
Van Duijn, M.A.J., M. Huisman, F.N. Stokman, F.W. Wasseur, E.P.H. Zeggelink 2003
Evolution of sociology freshmen into a friendship network, Journal of Mathematical Sociology 27, 153-191
Stokman, Frans N. 2001
Networks: Social, International Encyclopedia for the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 10509-10514
Stokman, Frans N. and Patrick Doreian, 1997
Evolution of social networks: Processes and principles, Patrick Doreian and Frans N. Stokman (eds), Evolution of Social Networks. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Publishers, 233-250
Stokman, Frans N., and Evelien P.H. Zeggelink, 1996
'Self-organizing Friendship Networks, Wim B.G. Liebrand and David M. Messick (eds), Frontiers in Social Dilemmas Research, Berlin: Springer, 385-418. [Abstract]
Stokman, Frans N., and Evelien P.H. Zeggelink, 1996
Is Politics Power or Policy Driven? A Comparative Analysis of Dynamic Access Models in Policy Networks, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 21, 77-111 (also published in: Patrick Doreian and Frans N. Stokman (eds), Evolution of Social Networks. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Publishers, 93-127). [Abstract]
Zeggelink, Evelien P.H., Frans N. Stokman, and Gerhard G. Van der Bunt, 1996
The Emergence of Groups in the Evolution of Friendship Networks, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 21, 29-55 (also published in: Patrick Doreian and Frans N. Stokman (eds), Evolution of Social Networks. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Publishers, 45-71). [Abstract]
Stokman, Frans N., and Jan M.M. Van den Bos, 1992
A Two-Stage Model of Policy Analysis. With An Empirical Test in The U.S. Energy Policy Domain, Gwen Moore and J. Allen Whitt (eds), The Political Consequences of Social Networks. Research in Politics and Society. Vol 4, Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 219-253. [Abstract]
Stokman, Frans N., Jelle van der Knoop, and Frans W. Wasseur, 1988
Interlocks in the Netherlands: Stability and Careers in the Period 1960-1980, Social Networks, 10, 183-208
Tom A.B. Snijders and Frans N. Stokman, 1987
Extensions of Triad Counts to Networks with Different Subsets of Points and Testing Underlying Random Graph Distributions, Social Networks, 9, 249-276
Stokman, F.N. and F.W. Wasseur, 1985
National Networks in 1976: A Structural Comparison, F.N. Stokman, R. Ziegler, and J. Scott (eds), Networks of Corporate Power. A Comparative Analysis of Ten Countries, Oxford: Polity Press, 20-44
Stokman, F.N., F.W. Wasseur, and D. Elsas, 1985
The Dutch Network: Types of Interlocks and Network Structure, F.N. Stokman, R. Ziegler, and J. Scott (eds), Networks of Corporate Power. A Comparative Analysis of Ten Countries, Oxford: Polity Press: 112-130
Sprenger, C.J.A. and F.N. Stokman 1982
Applied Graph Analysis in the Social Sciences: The Software Project GRADAP (invited paper), H. Caussinus, P. Ettinger, and R. Tomassone (eds.), COMPSTAT 1982. Proceedings in Computational Statistics, Wien: Physica-Verlag, 113-120
Mokken, R.J. and F.N. Stokman, 1979
Corporate-Governmental Networks in The Netherlands, Social Networks, 1, 333-358. [Abstract]
Mokken, R.J. and F.N. Stokman, 1976
Power and Influence as Political Phenomena, Brian Barry (ed.), Power and Political Theory: Some European Perspectives, London: Wiley, 33-54